utorak, 20. studenoga 2007.


Friday, 13. jul 1897.

MOSLAVINA (MEMOIR FROM THE TRAVELLING), Dragutin Hirtz (1853-1921), natural scientist and publisher
Luka is cognizant of every road and runway at the mount Moslavačka, so he take the road with us wend Samarica . It was a beautiful morning. We walk from Jelenska at 7,30 to the Kamenica, and away thru that rich valley The road is divided against Mjesečka kosa, and than thru uphill to the beech wood forest. The beech wood is a witness that hereabout pass many visitors because most of the trees are written-out .At one of that beech wood someone engrave the pot with flowers, chapel on the other , soldier on the third , man who smokes pipe on the fourth,, rider on the fifth, and also on the one them are engraved this words: Dear God , Mother of God and Kramarićeva Roža help us.
One of the authors wants specially to be prominent with the picture of devil who has a percussion-cap with two horns on it, ear looks like a sickle, mouth like a dragon, and the skinny hand approaching to them . The one hand came from the door, other grew on the devil's back and hold his tail. That has a meaning of a guardian of domestic animal, who feeds us with meat and bacon. Little farther you can see the picture of a church where somebody's hand written on it the Jesus name. That kind of beech wood exhibits follow us far away, and shorts a time till you get to the Garjevica where you meet with the brook sound of Košutica or Podgradska, came from the Košuta town. We arrived at the forest's opening, called Mjesec, where can you see the stud engraved by the crescent. Here is the end of the Mjesečka kosa, and origin of the half of Moslavačka gora, called Garjevica. Here, beech wood forest mixs with the oak forest which trees can be tremendous on the plain. That two sort of three alternate and after that the hornbeam appears . It passed 10 and a half our since we start to come to the brook and arrived under the hill of Mala Srijedska, covered by well-known Erechthites hieraciifolia. We had leaved the forest wich chilled us with shade for two ours, came at the opened and lonely road which was annoyed with yellow clay dust and heat, so we were happy when we saw Samarica, goal of our today expedition. We visited the vicar, actual Archdeacon Franjo Papić, who was very glad to see me in his region. After We had some rest, our egregious host asked me if I know the plaint grows at the meadow calles vretenac or vošćika,. That name means the Polish spindle (Equisetum arvense; Ackerschafthalm, Katzenzahl) also the well-known plaint with the folk name. Konjščica, because it looks like the hors mane, but in a Germany is alike a hors tail - Pferdeschwanz. The host talked us that the voščika like horses, but when they eat the plaint start to fall on it's back sides. One of the mare was hurt, other fell and set on the backside. One peasant horses get sick. When he had stop feed them with the vošćika, they get well again. Cattle, our antlered treasure was safe from voščika.. In Samarici live coastal inhabitants, who inhabited this area 20 years ago and we met one of them when we were sightseeing the parish church. They moved here from Stari grad, our valley of tear, limestone area, because of water shortage There are six houses here, inhabited by Modrić, Dragićević, Kirin i Miškulin families. At Mala i Velika Šimljanica live some coastal inhabitants from Stari grad and Cesarica, two of them came from Klada, one from Jablanac, also at the next door Oštri zid live all coastal inhabitants Jablančani. The parish church at Samarica is dedicated to the Saint. Kata, and the other altars to the Saint Jelisava, Saint Mihajlo and Saint family. The curch was consecrate by Zagreb bishop Vrhovac the june 30 year 1805.during the mandate of vicar Josip Gjurkovečki, who had bought an organs and the clock by his own cost. Owing to the our present vicar and Arhdeacon, curch was reconstruction with red, yellow and blue stone of potaracana. During the meal we were facing many times on the oil picture Gjurkovečkijeva, ecclesiastical pastor and writer, but also on the old map with this text on it: Situations-Karte der Szamariczer Pfarr Anno 1824. durch den Unter-Lehrer L. Skroboth. Gr. Erdoedi Herschaft in Moszlavina. Scheidungs-Linie. Garjevicza Waldung. On that map are recorded the following town: Garić, Podgarić, Šimljanik, Garešnica, Samarica, Oštri zid, Gornja i Dolnja Petrička, Smiljana i Krivaja. Parish of Samarica borderd with the kumpanija vukojevska , čazmanska , parish of Ivanska and Ploščica during the Military Krajina Governance . Year 1899.parish of Samarica has had 2729 souls, and the year later 2760 , among them was Hungarians who has lived only at Krivaja. The largest population Samarica had (747; 756 soals) and Petrička (687; 682 duše). In year 1876., when the last vicar had came to the Samarica, he found 1800 soals. Samarica is situated near the road, houses are covered by straw, bounded with birch brush wood. It is a highland, covered with forest and handled ground, which is very beacon at the varied dales. All village, looking from the height looks like a grove but that grove doesn't create forest trees, yet noble fruits, among wich accent apples, zelenika and pisanika. In the garden of Community school grew 20 vagana different sorts of apples 180 vagana plums, because the ground is very suitable for fruit-growing. After lunch vicar gives us a lift thru village, as he very weel knows every ship in his flock. He slowed down in front of one house and warned us on a honestly parents, who have seven children; and in front the other house he says: This person is honest; in front of the third: This one is laborious; the fourth: this one was poor, but now he saved 7oo for. We were sightseeing many houses, talk with people and had fun, but also at the same time though about our own home. Our pleasant host to whom we are very grateful, didn't allow us to walk by Moslavačka gora on foot, and called his servant to harnesses the horses. We have ride by horses from Samarica for a two full ours and with the fast and flying horses arrived to Čazma at the 8 o'clock. We rested at Čazma, and than at 10 and a half set off in the dark night, tired and sleepy, with the full bags of apples, arrived at three o clock across Jelensko Gornje. The nex day wnen we were resting, we also enjoyed in the beautiful green valley of Moslavačka gora.

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